Webb County-City of Laredo Regional Mobility Authority
This project will add sidewalks to both sides of Killam Industrial and include improving the roadway pavement. Sidewalk gaps along River Bank Drive will be filled in, as well. This includes a 10’ shared-use path on one side and making the sidewalk on A.F. Muller a shared-use path.
On River Bank Drive, south of Logistic Drive, a two-way cycle track will be added within the existing pavement to move truck parking over to Milo Road.
Estimated Total Project Cost (FY19): $5,610,000
Component Project(s):
A) Killam Industrial Boulevard Improvements $3,857,000
B) River Bank Drive Sidewalk Gaps $422,000
C) River Bank Drive Sidewalks & Bike Lane $1,128,000
D) A.F. Muller Boulevard Shared-Use Path $203,000
Note: More detail on costs can be found in Appendix E
This consists of three independent projects meant to increase capacity and improve operations along FM 1472.
The projects include the implementation of a new continuous right-turn lane on FM 1472 between Big Bend Boulevard and Killam Industrial and a right-turn lane on Killam Industrial at FM 1472. This package also includes the bridge widening at IH-69W at FM 1472.
Estimated Total Project Cost (FY19): $18,905,000
Component Project(s):
A) FM 1472 Widening $4,168,000
B) IH 69W Bridge Widening $13,457,000
C) Killam Industrial Boulevard Turn Lanes $1,280,000
Note: More detail on costs can be found in Appendix E
This project is a half-mile extension of Milo Road. The project will include a 5-lane roadway, on-street parking reserved for trucks, and sidewalks, including a 10’ shared-use path on one side.
This is not only a critical link in the network, but its proximity to World Trade Bridge also presents an opportunity for a direct inbound connection from the POE to Milo Road, allowing trucks to avoid FM 1472 and reduce left turns from IH-69W. This requires further study.
Estimated Total Project Cost (FY19): $14,713,000
Component Project(s):
A) Milo Road Extension: $14,713,000
Note: More detail on costs can be found in Appendix E
This project is approximately 3.2 miles of new roadway that includes a continuous 150’ wide right-of-way for future expansion. Initially this will be a five-lane roadway that will link key north-south roadways (FM 1472 and IH-35) where continued industrial growth can be expected to occur on the south side of the road.
The project ties into A.F. Muller Boulevard and will have sidewalks on both sides including a 10’ shared-use path on one side.
Estimated Total Project Cost (FY19): $31,471,000
Component Project(s):
A) Vallecillo Road $31,471,000
Note: More detail on costs can be found in Appendix E
This project is just over 9.5 miles of new roadway that includes a continuous 400’ wide right-of-way for future freeway expansion. Initially this will be a five-lane roadway that will link key north south roadways (FM 1472 and IH-35) where continued industrial growth can be expected.
Hachar Parkway has also been designated as an oversize/overweight route for appropriate cargo to move between World Trade Bridge and IH-35.
Estimated Total Project Cost (FY19): $55,530,000
Component Project(s):
A) Phase I & II PS&E $1,634,000
B) Phase I Total (FM 1472 to Beltway) $32,455,000
C) Phase II Total (Beltway to IH 35 $21,441,000
Note: More detail on costs can be found in Appendix E
This project includes expanding FM 3338 to five lanes with shoulders. There are two realignments, the first being at a curve located two miles south of TX 255, and the other relocating the FM 1472 intersection about a mile north of its current location to improve spacing between FM 3338 and the future intersection where Hachar and Aquero will cross FM 1472.
Estimated Total Project Cost (FY19): $45,000,000
Component Project(s):
A) FM 3338 – Las Tiendas Road Widening $45,000,000
Note: More detail on costs can be found in Appendix E
This project is 7 miles of new roadway that includes a continuous 400’ wide right-of-way for future freeway expansion. Initially this will be a five-lane roadway extending Hachar Parkway east of IH-35. In the mid-term, this project includes an interchange at IH-35 to facilitate a grade-separated crossing. Longer-term improvements include extending Hachar Parkway to the east. This alignment is subject to change as is the typical section. Alignment may instead extend east to planned Outer
Estimated Total Project Cost (FY19): $79,461,000
Component Project(s):
A) Interchange at IH 35 $24,203,000
B) East Extension $29,936,000
C) South Extension $25,322,000
Note: More detail on costs can be found in Appendix E
This project is just under 5.5 miles of new roadway that includes a continuous 100’ wide right-of-way. This will be a five-lane roadway that will serve as a parallel route to FM 1472 that could
be restricted to non-commercial vehicle use.
The project includes a raised center median as well as sidewalks and buffered bike lanes on both sides. The project is recommended to tie in to Hachar Parkway at FM 1472.
Estimated Total Project Cost (FY19): $59,134,000
Component Project(s):
A) Aquero Bikes Lanes $746,000
B) La Bota Extension $9,866,000
C) Muller Memorial Boulevard Extension $2,179,000
D) North Extension $46,343,000
Note: More detail on costs can be found in Appendix E
This project will add sidewalks to both sides of Lamar Drive, El ato Road, Archer Drive and Spivey Drive, including a 10’ shared-use path along one side of Lamar and El Gato Road.
This also includes extending Lamar north and south to link Milo Road to Vallecillo as well as removing a center median from the existing portion of Aquero Boulevard and adding buffered bike
lanes within the existing pavement.
Estimated Total Project Cost (FY19): $12,239,000
Component Project(s):
A) Lamar Drive Extension $11,315,000
B) El Gato Road Shared-Use Path $312,000
C) Archer Drive Sidewalks $303,000
D) Spivey Drive Sidewalks $309,000
Note: More detail on costs can be found in Appendix E
This project includes 0.7 miles of new roadway with a continuous 80’ wide right-of-way. The extension component will tie in to the existing interchange at IH-35. This will be a four-lane roadway with sidewalks on either side.
Another component of this project includes the implementation of sidewalks along the existing portion of Carrier Drive from Unitec Drive. 0.7 miles east to the end of the roadway.
Estimated Total Project Cost (FY19): $5,255,000
Component Project(s):
A) West Extension $4,987,000
B) East Sidewalks $268,000
Note: More detail on costs can be found in Appendix E
This project is approximately 1.9 miles of new roadway that includes a continuous 120’ wide right-of-way. This will be a five lane roadway that will link the San Isidro Northeast area with Vallecillo Road on the east side of IH-35. The project will have sidewalks on both sides.
Estimated Total Project Cost (FY19): $15,889,000
Component Project(s):
A) North Extension $15,889,000
Note: More detail on costs can be found in Appendix E
This project is approximately 3 miles of new roadway that includes a continuous 120’ wide right-of-way. This will be a fivelane roadway that will link industrial parks northeast of the IH35/IH-69W interchange with Vallecillo Road on the east side of IH-35. The project will have sidewalks on both sides.
Estimated Total Project Cost (FY19): $21,096,000
Component Project(s):
A) North Extension $21,096,000
Note: More detail on costs can be found in Appendix E
This project is approximately 1.5 miles of new roadway that includes a continuous 90’ wide right-of-way. This will be a fivelane roadway that will tie into the existing grade-separated interchange with IH-35 located less than a quarter-mile south of Killam Industrial Boulevard. The project will have sidewalks on both sides of the roadway including a 10’ shared-use path.
Estimated Total Project Cost (FY19): $16,799,000
Component Project(s):
A) West Extension $16,799,000
Note: More detail on costs can be found in Appendix E
This project converts Port Drive from a relatively minor roadway in the area to a critical industrial collector that will play an important role in distributing traffic as this area continues to grow.
The road will be expanded to a four-lane roadway with sidewalks on either side in the mid-term and extended in the long-term.
Estimated Total Project Cost (FY19): $24,742,000
Component Project(s):
A) Port Drive Widening $3,483,000
B) Port Drive Extension $21,259,000
Note: More detail on costs can be found in Appendix E
This project includes 0.7 miles of new roadway with a continuous 80’ wide right-of-way. The extension component will tie in to the existing interchange at IH-35. This will be a four-lane
roadway with sidewalks on either side.
Another component of this project includes the implementation of sidewalks along the existing portion of Carrier Drive from Unitec Drive. 0.7 miles east to the end of the roadway.
Estimated Total Project Cost (FY19): $5,255,000
Component Project(s):
A) West Extension $4,987,000
B) East Sidewalks $268,000
Note: More detail on costs can be found in Appendix E
This project converts Uniroyal Drive from an industrial collector to a principal arterial that will play an important role in distributing traffic as this area continues to grow.
The road will be expanded to a five-lane roadway with sidewalks on either side in the mid-term and extended in the long-term.
Estimated Total Project Cost (FY19): $31,315,000
Component Project(s):
A) Uniroyal Drive Widening $6,852,000
B) Uniroyal Drive Extension $24,463,000
Note: More detail on costs can be found in Appendix E
This project is approximately 1.8 miles of new roadway that includes a continuous 150’ wide right-of-way for future expansion. Initially this will be a five-lane roadway that will link the southern part of the study area, with key north-south roadways (McPherson Blvd., International Blvd.) on the east side of IH-35.
The project will have sidewalks on both sides including a 10’ shared-use path on one side, and a grade-separated interchange at IH-35.
Estimated Total Project Cost (FY19): $40,887,000
Component Project(s):
A) Interchange at IH 35 $28,059,000
B) East Extension $12,828,000
Note: More detail on costs can be found in Appendix E
This project is 7 miles of new roadway that includes a continuous 400’ wide right-of-way for future freeway expansion. Initially this will be a five-lane roadway extending Hachar Parkway east of IH-35. In the mid-term, this project includes an interchange at IH-35 to facilitate a grade-separated crossing. Longer-term improvements include extending Hachar Parkway to the east. This alignment is subject to change as is the typical section. Alignment may instead extend east to planned Outer Loop.
Estimated Total Project Cost (FY19): $79,461,000
Component Project(s):
A) Interchange at IH 35 $24,203,000
B) East Extension $29,936,000
C) South Extension $25,322,000
Note: More detail on costs can be found in Appendix E
This project converts Port Drive from a relatively minor roadway in the area to a critical industrial collector that will play an important role in distributing traffic as this area continues tongrow. The road will be expanded to a four-lane roadway with sidewalks on either side in the mid-term and extended in the long-term.
Estimated Total Project Cost (FY19): $24,742,000
Component Project(s):
A) Port Drive Widening $3,483,000
B) Port Drive Extension $21,259,000
Note: More detail on costs can be found in Appendix E
This project converts Uniroyal Drive from an industrial collector to a principal arterial that will play an important role in distributing traffic as this area continues to grow. The road will be expanded to a five-lane roadway with sidewalks on either side in the mid-term and extended in the long-term.
Estimated Total Project Cost (FY19): $31,315,000
Component Project(s):
A) Uniroyal Drive Widening $6,852,000
B) Uniroyal Drive Extension $24,463,000
Note: More detail on costs can be found in Appendix E
This project involves converting 18.8 miles of FM 1472 to a full freeway. This would include a six-lane freeway with overpasses and interchanges at key intersections, with two frontage lane on
either side of the facility. This requires a continuous 300’ wide right-of-way, with 400’ at interchanges. This project includes a completely new interchange at IH-69W.
The right-of-way required can be expected to impact several properties in the southern part of the study area.
Estimated Total Project Cost (FY19): $772,674,000
Component Project(s):
A) Direct Connectors (2) at IH 69W $74,391,000
B) Central Segment $276,917,000
C) North Segment $421,366,000
Note: More detail on costs can be found in Appendix E
This project is approximately 16 miles of new roadway that includes a continuous 120’ wide right-of-way. This will be a fivelane roadway that will serve as a parallel route to FM 1472/FM 3338 that will be critical to future growth of the transportation network.
The project passes through the future intersection of Hachar Parkway and Beltway Parkway, then crosses IH-35 near exit 12A, just south of Port Laredo, continuing east for 5 miles.
Estimated Total Project Cost (FY19): $137,807,000
Component Project(s):
A) North Segment $74,657,000
B) Interchange at IH 35 $25,166,000
C) East Segment $37,984,000
Note: More detail on costs can be found in Appendix E
This project has a 0.6-mile extension west to Aquero Boulevard and another 3.4 miles east to IH-35. This includes a continuous 80’ wide right-of-way. This will be a four-lane roadway primarily meant to facilitate truck movement. This roadway would terminate at the southbound frontage road of IH-35, similar to Killam Industrial Boulevard.
Estimated Total Project Cost (FY19): $28,241,000
Component Project(s):
A) West Extension $6,247,000
B) East Extension $21,994,000
Note: More detail on costs can be found in Appendix E
This project has a 7.3-mile extension east to and across IH-35 that includes a continuous 100’ wide right-of-way. This will be a four-lane roadway serving as a parallel route to Hachar Parkway.
The project has sidewalks on both sides, including a 10’ shareduse path on one side.
Estimated Total Project Cost (FY19): $70,112,000
Component Project(s):
A) Central Segment $40,052,000
B) Interchange at IH 35 $20,851,000
C) East Segment $9,209,000
Note: More detail on costs can be found in Appendix E
This project has a 12-mile new location roadway that includes a continuous 140’ wide right-of-way for future expansion. This will be a four-lane roadway with a center median serving as a parallel route to TX 255.
The project has sidewalks as well as buffered bike lanes on both sides of the roadway. This project has been identified as a “Multiuse Boulevard” in the Future Thoroughfare Plan.
Estimated Total Project Cost (FY19): $103,068,000
Component Project(s):
A) North Extension $103,068,000
Note: More detail on costs can be found in Appendix E
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